Paulo Afonso
ERASMUS Academic Coordinator
Assistant Professor
Paulo Sampaio
Head of the Departament of Production and Systems
Associate Professor with Habilitation
The main purpose of the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility week on Innovation and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems is to provide participants with the knowledge and tools to understand, develop and implement effective innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems in their universities and learn from sharing the experience and the vision of the participants on such ecosystems, promoting the creation of synergies, partnerships and networking in this domain.
Master classes, seminars, on-site visits and training will cover the different dimensions of an innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem using University of Minho and its partners as the case study. Furthermore, the most relevant and challenging aspects of this field, which includes established and latest concepts, will be explored giving to the participants the opportunity to propose and implement changes and improvements in the participants’ own universities from, if possible, a collaborative approach promoted by the program.
The program will be guided by experienced trainers and coaches who will involve participants in teamwork activities aiming at the definition of the best practices in the field and the production of a strategic plan for more innovative and entrepreneurial European Universities. Both innovation and entrepreneurship aspects, as well as university-industry partnerships, processes to turn university-based intensive knowledge and technologies into products and services, solutions for the community and businesses for the market and other related aspects will be covered. The work developed, ideas and contributions may be included into an e-book to enhance the contribution and diffusion of this program and support further editions.
Who can benefit
Participants to this course are members of the academic community, looking to develop and/or improve their understanding and contribution to more effective and collaborative innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems linking universities and industry in different countries. Thus, they are very welcome: teaching staff, administrative staff & management, PhD candidates and researchers, etc.
Guimarães and nearby